

GFC is dead.

Okay guys, I don't know if you have heard this or not, but I just found out. 

Just in time, too. 

That google is retiring GFC tomorrow. 

But don't freak out, just yet. Blogger is safe. It is the sites that are on wordpress, tumblr, and the other blog sites that are losing GFC.

But I'm afraid that it will someday happen to us, so I just wanted to attempt to back up my blog with Google +. 

So I am here, letting you know, that I would like you guys to go ahead and follow me on Google +. You can see the little widget down by the GFC follower button. 

Thanks so much, and lets pray it doesn't happen to blogger!

Have a wonderful day! I should get back to posting posts that are actually interesting soon. School is kiiilllllling me. Haha



get to know me.

Hey guys! 

I want to give you guys the chance to ask annnything

I mean anything. As long as it is appropriate, hey, even if it isn't I still might answer it. ;)

It could be about high school, relationships, my blog, my life, advice, my favorite color, anything.

I'll answer each and every single question that is asked. 

Just so you know. :)

If you don't want to ask under the comments you can either email me at or tweet me. 

So fire away! Hit me with some Q's. 





god love.

Here it is! The last installment of my "Love" series for February.

The love that I am going to talk about to day is definitely the most important kind of loves out there.

God love, i.e. Agape. 

No, no, not like "A Gape" one word. Agape. It probably has that little swish above the e, but I don't know how to make one,'ll just have to deal. 


God love.

I think of it this way. How on earth would you be able to love anyone, anything, everything with out this kind of love first. God is who gave us our life, who gave us everything we have, everything we need, and who is the one person you can completely count on. He will be there with you through the hardships, through the most wonderful times. He will be there with you through everything.

Now this isn't a religious blog, at all. And nor do I want it to be. But I am posting this because I am a religious person. 

I don't care if you are Catholic, Methodist, Evangelical, as long as you believe in God then I believe that you will go to heaven and have eternal life. 

You can disagree, whatever, just don't comment with something rude.

God is my everything. Your everything. God IS everything. 

That flower sitting outside your window? God made it.
The blue skies? God made it.
Your sister? God made her.
The cheez-it you are about to shove into your mouth? God made it.

He made everything. Do you understand that? 

Without him, where would we be? We wouldn't be. There would be nothing.

I feel like so many people lose their faith based on petty things. "Why did God do this to me? If there was a God he wouldn't make my life so horrible. "

Horrible things happen to everyone. It's life. Do you not understand he is doing this to make us stronger, there is a reason for everything he does. Though you might not see it, if you have faith you shouldn't worry. 

I feel like Courtney, here, summed it up pretty well.

"To me, God love is: knowing you'll never hear God say out loud he loves you, or send you flowers on your birthday, but in every blessing that he gives you in life, that unconditional love he has for each of us is proven again and again, as it also states in the Bible :)"

What do you think? 

Interested in Sponsoring for March?



more traffic, readers, and followers? + a discount!

Hey guys! It is almost March and you know that that means...
A brand new batch of sponsors for So, hi!
So you want your blog to get noticed? To get more traffic, readers, and followers?
Well sponsoring or "Ad Placement" is the way to go.
Here are some details.
I have over 840 followers.
I had over over 15,000 page views last month.
I have had over 100,000 page views.
I have an average of 700 page views a day.
I average 4-5 posts a week.
My main audience is women from the age of 14-30.
And this is alll steadily increasing.
My blog is a blog that is growing at a substantial rate, and I'd love for your blogs to grow along with it.
Here are the rates.

XL - $25

Featured introduction post (As many links and pictures as you wish).

Option for giveaway. Option for guest post.

L - $20

Featured in group intro post (5 links, 3 pictures).

Option for group giveaway.

M - $15

Featured in group intro post (3 links, 2 pictures).

Option for group giveaway.

SM - $10

Featured in group intro post (1 link, 1 picture).

Al la carte

Guest post - $10 (You pick when you would like the post to be up.)

Giveaway - $5 (Again, you pick when and how long you would like the giveaway to run.)

If you are interested in sponsoring, please email me at as soon as you can to reserve a spot.
Oh! And if you put my ad somewhere on your blog I will offer 5 dollars off any ad. :)


boringness. yay.

Hey, meet a couple of my friends.

If you actually have something to do that is worth time, do that instead, because these videos are completely pointless.

Enjoy if you are bored. 

Also, plllleeeease, if you are interested in sponsoring on So, hi email me at ASAP to reserve a spot! :)

Have a great day. :)


review: proextensions

So, get this guys.
I have been contemplating on getting hair extensions for about 6 months because I wasn't quite sure if I wanted to spend money that I could potentially grow myself. You know?
Well I recently discovered a wonderful site called ProExtensions. I saw that their extensions were relatively on the cheaper side than the other extensions I have seen. Also, I saw that their shipping was FREE and not only was it free but the extensions also got to you the NEXT DAY. How awesome is that?
So it goes without saying that I ended up getting them, right? Well I did. And I love them.
This is coming from a girl that was super iffy about them to begin with. Like, seriously. I was so afraid of them looking fake and just looking nasty.
Ohhhhh was I mistaken.

Why I love them.
These extensions are SO SOFT. So long, and have wonderful quality.
The color didn't quite match my natural color and was a little lighter than it, but it had the same red/brown tones and blended extremely well. It's like I not only got extensions, but I got highlights as well.
There are 10 clips! That is soooo much. Seriously. For 100 bucks it is such a deal. My hair was not only longer but fuller as well.
And the clips are super durable. I don't tease my hair or anything when I put them in and they hold all day!
Here are some of the details you would probably like to know.

  • I ordered the 20 inch standard chestnut brown extensions.
  • They came with 10 wefts.
    • 1 8-inch wide weft with 3 clips
    • 1 7-inch wide weft with 3 clips
    • 2 6-inch wide wefts with 3 clips
    • 6 1 1/2- inch wide wefts with 1 clip
  • They also came with two 1 1/2- inch wide wefts to test curling, coloring, straitening, and pretty much anything on. That is a plus so you don't have to hurt your extensions trying out something different.
  • The clips have polymer lining so it is super comfy on your head. It doesn't tear or hurt or anything.
  • 100% real hair
  • Overnight shipping
  • Free shipping
  • If you don't know what color you are you can order a ring of sample colors to make sure you order the correct color.

Oh! And did I forget to mention that I have a 10% off coupon code for you?
My bad.
Use this at checkout and get 10% off!
Make sure to check them out, you will not be disappointed. And if you end up getting them, let me know with some pictures! Just come here and link 'em up! :)
You can find out more about ProExtensions here:
Twitter / FB / Website


february sponsors.

Here's the chance to meet some of the best bloggers out there, my February Sponsors! Check them all out right now. Seriously, you wo't regret it. :)

This month, since it is in fact the month of love, I asked my sponsors to send a picture of something they love. I howp you enjoy, therese girls are absolutely wonderful! 


Janee from YBYB

I love my baby birdie; I've learned so many life lessons from raising him that I never expected to. I'm extremely grateful for that.

Blog / Shop / Twitter / FB / Pinterest

Lauren from A Perfect Pair

I love my little dog Ginger, she's the sweetest and makes me laugh everyday! 

Secia from Petite Insanities

I love taking afternoon walks with my man and my pup.

Sarah from Little Penelope Lane

I LOVE my family! I am madly in love with my husband and I love my littles so much it hurts! 

Elisha from The Official Blog of Elisha

i love this picture of a sunrise, because every sunrise is the sign of a new day that we have to live. plus, its a gorgeous picture! (:


If you are interested in Sponsoring on So, hi for March email me to reserve your spot! (



significant other love.

CAUTION: Verrry sappy post ahead. Precede with caution.

When anyone says the word "love" what do automoatically think of?
You think of significant others, right? At least I do when it is in the context of Valentines day.
Husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend.

Love is something that everyone needs to experiance, especially love in that special someone. It's so wierd having someone you are completely comfortable around and someone that you can share everything with. Wierd, but amazing. Someone who you aren't afraid to be yourself with, someone who knows your quirks and still loves you for you. Someone who annoys the heck  outta you, but you still love them nonetheless. And the things that happen to annoy you you actually kind of love. You know what I'm talking about? If feels like you are two peices of completely different puzzles that happen to fit together perfectly.
At least that is the way I see it. Some of my readers see it this way.
" Love is something you feel not necessarily something you just say. When you love someone its supposed to be un-explainable, its something you just know. Personally, I think there are too many people that throw it around when in a relationship just because they feel obligated to "express" saying I love you to their significant other. When you feel love, you know it and you show it to someone without even knowing it, its not something that is forced when its real. Either its there or it isn't, you will just know. It won't be fake, and it won't be a lie, it will be real. Some people believe in love at first sight.. personally, I'm not sure. My opinion on love at first sight is that its just the start. It's like an answer or a hint that you should pursue the butterflies in your stomach because there just might be a prize down the road." - Ann
"Love is the reason that I wake up next to my best friend every day. It's the reason I can look at him when I'm pissed at him. It's the reason that we are more than lovers, we are friends. Love made us more than just two people sharing a home. Love made us a family" - Roxxy


I am lucky enough to have found love at such a young age, and who knows if that will change over the course of my college years, but if it does I will never regret the time I am currently spending with my man. We have grown up with each other, we have changed with each other, and we will continue to change over the course of the years. 

Don't get me wrong though, I'm not the type to go out and say that I will one day marry my high school sweetheart, or high school/college sweetheart, or you know what I mean. But I do believe that love is something that changes and grows over the years and I hope that no matter what happens we both end up the happiest ever. 

Who do you love? Why do you love them?  



Guys, I have a problem.

I'm obbsessed with sparkles.

Sparkly skirts,

Sparkly clutches, 

Slouchy sweaters with sparkles, 

Sparkly headbands, 

Everything. I'm going to be a walking disco ball. 

 Photo's from Pinterest


family love.

Whether you like it or not, they are always there for you.
Through thick and thin.
Through good and bad.
Through the firsts and lasts.
Through everything.

Though we might not want to admit it, everyone wants to be loved by a family member in some way or another. I am lucky enough to have a HUGE family that loves me and cares for me. (And, it is seriously HUGE, I have two step parents and two biological so when I was walking onto the floor for senior night I have four people attached to my arm. I felt like I needed to put a sign on my back saying "wide-load")
Just take time right now to think about how much your family has influenced you through your life.
Done? Okay, what did you think about? (Let me know in the comments)

What I thought about was spending time at my Grandmas house, just chillin' and eating chili cheese fritos and just enjoying eachothers presence.
It's that kind of thing that makes you love your family. How can I remember something so little such as eating chili cheese fritos? Because there was love in that house. There was love in that room, there was love in each of our hearts.
And even now, 12 years later, when I happen to eat some of those frito's I still think of my Grandma. Every time.

Here's what Blanca had to say about it: 

"Everyone loves differently and in their own way. Who am I to say there is only one kind of love. I love my family and my dog but I love my husband and children more than I love anyone or anything. My love for my husband and children is a different love and a bond. I don't agree in "one love". I also love witnessing kindness in others. I mean I love it. It brings be joy and brings me to tears sometimes. The selflessness that some people show in our world and in this time makes me love, love."

 If you have a wonderful family setting and you are surrounded by people you love, don't take advantage of that. Seriously. So many people in the world are dying to have a family like yours. God has blessed you and remember that. And to those of you out there who have the "not-so-great" families, remember when you start one of your own to make it the best family ever.
Love every child, sister, brother, mother, father, grandma, grandpa, aunt, uncle or cousin to the fullest. Believe me, it will never be a mistake.
Tell me about your favorite family memories. I want to know.