Here are some risk factors.
•Have fair skin, blue or green eyes, or red or blond hair
•Live in sunny climates or at high altitudes
•Spent a lot of time in high levels of strong sunlight, because of a job or other activities
•Have had one or more blistering sunburns during childhood
•Use tanning devices
Okay, there's the background. But do you fully understand what I am saying here? Okay, lets look at some of the symptoms, will we...
1. Tumors.
2. Fatigue.
3. Irregular moles and your body starts to become weak.
4. Death
That's right. Death. So those of you who think that it is "No Big Deal" to go out and tan for prom, just do some reasearch, look at some pictures, understand exactly what you are doing to your body. Especially those of you who are fair skinned.
I am seeing so many girls lately tanning like CRAZY. And though I am not going to judge them for tanning, it is ultimately their choice, but I do feel like they need to be thouroughly informed on what exactly they are doing to thier bodies. It really makes me sick when I see someone tan every day. It only takes ONE time to get skin cancer, and people do not understand that.
Yes, you look good tan, sure. But I'm pretty sure you'll look better alive.
Not to mention how many wrinkles you will have.
I don't know, I know I'll get a lot of dispute over this post, but I really don't care. I am posting this because I care about each and every single one of you reading this.