


Okay, Christmas time is here, time to give and get. And time to remember the great 'Jesus' (*Say it in a Spanish accent, it gets the point across wayyyyyyy better). And well, I JUST (like two minutes ago) ordered my Christmas gift!!!!!! (: I'm sooooo excited. It's a Flip camera, but it's the newest one. It is touch screen and has a screen to watch the video on it right then and there. :) My parents are getting it for me, for Christmas AND my birthday because of the hefty price. But I'm so excited. :) as you can see with all of the smileys I am inserting into this paragraph. So, since I am so excited. I am going to share with you alllllll of the reasons why I am excited for this Christmas season -- Gift wise at least. First off, I have gotten alllllllll of my gifts ready for everyone. This year I went ALL OUT. I got gifts for everyone. I mean, I got gifts for my itty-bitty cousins, my older cousins, aunts, uncles, grammas, grammpas, ma, pa, sisters, boyfriend, boyfriends family, best friend and my dog. Let me add that up real quick for all y'all.

   1 Ma
   1 Pa
   1 Stepma
   1 Steppa
   4 Sisters
   3 Cousins
   2 Aunts
   2 Gramma's
   1 Grammpa -- yes, I know I am spelling that wrong. But I spell it the way I say it, lol.
   1 (or 8) Boyfriend/s ;)
   1 Boyfriend Sister
   1 Dog
+ 1 Best Friend           
   20 GIFTS

Sure, most of them are home-made, I mean...I'm not made out of money, but I figure I did good this year. :) Now I would tell you what I got them all, but if they read this then it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it? :) I'm so excited to give them their gifts. :)
Also -- Every year I make cookies for all of my close friends so that could add on too. I just love making things to give to my friends. :) Yay! I'm sooooooo excited! (:

  OH! How could I tell you about my gift without giving you the specifics? How silly of me. 
First off, and this is my favorite part of it, part of the proceeds go to cancer research. I think that is great, and I think more companies should include products like this. That is what the S^2C means -- Stand Up To Cancer -- I couldn't really make an arrow though. Whoops. :) Also, this is the newest one, it is called a SlideHD because it has a slide/flip screen that is 3 inches to watch the videos you record on. It's touch screen, and it is totally portable. Oh the array of things I can do with this little gadget. :) Eventually I hope to start putting on video segments onto this blog. Maybe I can teach you guys some cute hair and make-up tips. :) But I have to wait for Christmas. :/ Oh well! I   CAN'T WAIT. :)

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