

30 days -- all crammed into one hour. :)

Okay, this is a spin-off on the 30 days thing. It's a spin-off because, well...I did it in an hour and I didn't use all of the factoids we were supposed to use AND they are completely out of order. Anyway, enjoy. :)

 I am not going to list fifteen facts about myself, because, well...this whole post is about me anyway. ;)

 Kennis is my sissssta. She would be the person that I have been close to for the longest. She's annoying and breaks my car, but I love her.

 Pushing Daisies is my favorite show, well was...until those mean NBC people cancelled it. That was a sad Thursday. :(

 This would be a picture of a good night, prom night/birthday night/dancing/got my car/Chinese. :)
Oooo, I want Chinese now.

 Here is a picture of a memory. I went on a spontaneous trip down to C-bus with my BUFF, and we went to a three story F21. It was AWESOME.

 This is a picture that makes me laugh, seriously, every time. hahahaha.

 Here's another memory. :)

 This was an adventure I had again with my frannn. We are sooooo clever. :)
(No frogs were harmed in the making of this crime scene.)

 This makes me laugh! I thought it was so clever. :)

 They like to call him the 'Turkey Raper' at the dentist.

 Something I hate -- someone reading over my shoulder! Urghhh.

 This picture makes me laugh. Hahahahah.

 Someone who I love. :) My pa. :)

 Someone who inspires me-- My Momma. She's pretty cool. ;)  She's going to hate me for putting this on the world wide web, though. haha. Good thing she's tech-impaired.

A picture of me and my cousin when we were wittttttle. :)

 Someone I miss -- Remi. :( RIP

 I'm afraid to be kidnapped. :/ This picture urks me.

 My favorite book. Lauren Conrad - Style. :)

 Somewhere I want to go -- Venezuela.

1 comment:

  1. i can't believe you still have that picture from the but i guess i'm glad i entertain you lol :)


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