

calling all future sponsors!

Hi guys! I am so sorry for the lack of fun/spunky posts - but I have a lot to get in before the month is over! 


So lets get onto it! I am currently accepting sponsors for the month of September! And I would love to have all of you who are interested! (As long as I agree with your blog and what it's all about). It is a great way to get your blog out there if you are in the search of getting more traffic towards your blog, so if you haven't tried sponsoring - I suggest you try it because, it'll do wonders on how many page views and readers you get. :)

 Now - here are some numbers if the cuteness of my blog doesn't make you want to sponsor. ;)

I had over 9,000 page views last month.
I have 500+ followers - not including FB, Twitter and Bloglovin'.
-- That has been increasing by 100 new followers every month for 3 months. Yes, 300 followers in 3 months. Crazy. Lol.
I have an average of 600 page views in one given day. 
and - I give you super awesome perks for sponsoring on my blog. :) 

Here are the rates with what you will be getting. It's a package deal - to make sure you guys get some love not only on my "Love" page, but also in the "Home" page. :)

XLARGE - $20
Ad placed at the top of page.
Introduction post. 3-5 links and photos.
Option for individual giveaway.
Option for guest post.
LARGE - $15
Featured in group intro post. 3-5 links.
Option to do giveaway.
Option to do guest post.
MEDIUM - $10
Featured in group intro post. 2 links.
Option for giveaway.
Option for guest post.
SMALL - $5
Featured in group intro post. 1 link.

Now, make sure to hit me up with an email saying you are interested and I will get you up within 3 days! I'm very quick. :) 

Send it here:

Have a great day ad I hope to work with you soon! :)

(And, yes, that was just a random kitten at the top of this post, why? Because it is cute. Don't judge.)


  1. wow that is a lot of visits for one month. why don't people comment? it is so weird...i mean as long as they are here they might as well, right?

    thanks for stopping by my blog. good luck with the sponsorship.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on the blog! I will try to respond to as many comments as possible. If you would like a quicker response, please email me ( or tweet me (@sohirach)!