

high school clothing.

Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of posts lately, I have had writers that generally causes problems. But it's all good! I'm back and I have a brand new post! (Duh.) 

Anyway, it is August. Yes, I said it, August. That means that summer is almost over (depressing, I know) and school is about to start. I know that quite a few of my followers are still in school and even if you aren't this post will work for all those young-hearted spunky folk. 

I don't know if you are like me, but I generally go shopping before school starts to get some updated clothes and shoes and anything else I need. But this year I decided to post what looks are going to be great for this school year and what won't be quite as cute. 

What to wear:

COLOR - Especially at the beginning of school. We are young and we have to show it off. Color is a BIG way of showing off how youthful we are.

Comfy-Casual - I LOVE this look. I love baggy sweaters and T's. I think that they are so comfy, look good on everyone and are still chic. Totally my co-to outfit.

Canvas Flats - Keds, Toms, Bobs, Rocket Dog, ect. Comfy and cute.

Summery Dresses - Fun and so cute. I love floral print and colors and just the frilliness of summer dresses. 

Big Belts - This is a great way to look thinner and add some curves. Put a big brown belt around that summer dress and you are made.

Skirts - I'm going to try to wear more skirts this year, I think that they are so cute. I'm not talking a jean skirt though, I'm talking about cute, fun, colorful skirts.

Cardi's - Self-Explanatory. They go with anything and everything.

Plain T's - I have a TON of plan t-shirts. They can be used to make so many different looks and they are just classic and look good on virtually everyone. 

What not to wear:

Anything strapless (i.e. tube tops) - It's cute, but for school a little risque. It's probably against the dress code too. 

Mini Skirts - No, sorry, I do not want to see your booty when we are going up the stairs.

Baggy Sweats - I really think that this is only acceptable if you are sick, lazy, or a gangsta rappa.

Super Tight Graphic T's - I see girls walking around with these tee's that say "I'm a Belieber", which I totally understand your infatuation with the Beibs but I don't really see the point in flaunting it when you aren't at one of his concerts.

Super-Duper Short Shorts - Oh my gosh, againnn with the booty. I mean, I love some short shorts, but I'm talking short shorts to the extreme. Believe me, people actually wear shorts with a .5 inch inseam at my school. Not pretty.

Now, this is all my opinion. I understand that not everyone has the same style, I'm just letting you know what I would wear and would advise wearing, feel free to disagree. I'd love to know what you all think. :)

PS: Photo's from


  1. This is so true. I agree with you on all of this. Great pics :)

    Chari T (seep fried stilettos)

  3. Love the outfit ideas! I miss going to school just so I could get dressed up. Haha

  4. I love the comfy casual look except I have yet to find a shirt like that!

  5. loooove loooove loooove the dresses!! makes me excited for fall!! :)

  6. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!! :)

  7. the what not to wears are funny! when i was in HS we had uniforms, blah. Khaki or blue pants and red, white, or black polos. Sometimes people thought it was cool to wear blue pants with black polo... so NOT cool ha!

  8. haha her arse is truly hanging out, that is ridiculous! Im in love with the first dress.. i neeeed it!! :)

  9. Love all the clothes!!

    Follow me! :D xxxxxxxx

  10. love all the picture and all the tips! good post :) x

  11. So, I just found your blog, and I am already addicted!!!

    I started laughing so much when I saw that you call your boyfriend "Bug", because this is what my Fiance and I have called each other ever since we started dating - I LOVE it!!!!

    Will definitely be following from now on!


  12. thanks guys! i'm so excited to be getting new clothes, and july that is hilarious! bug's are the best. ;)

  13. I ordered those TOMS in the mail just the other day! I am dying to get them.. and I mean DYING!!

    With Love, Caitlyn at

  14. i just ordered them too! i'm so excited! :)

  15. That's a great post!
    I like plain shirts too! :D
    May I know where you bought those plain shirt from?

  16. i soo like the flats of Keds,,,,but we dont have this brand in my country...
    i am following you ..
    follow back??

  17. I love this post, and I totally agree with it! Thanks for your comment-following you now!

    follow me back!

  18. Great post! Ugh, I especially love your "donts" list...shouldn't this be common sense to every human being? Apparently not, as even at university I still see tons of girls committing these fashion sins. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm following you on GFC - wanna follow me back? :)

    xx from Montreal,


  19. ha! Too funny - I completely agree with everything you said! Love your blog, you are too cute !! Please check out mine at xxx

  20. i totally agree!!!! some of the things that people wore to school, i was like...Seriously!!! great post! i was smiling the whole time I read it!!!

    -Heather from


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