

get to know me.

Hey guys! 

I want to give you guys the chance to ask annnything

I mean anything. As long as it is appropriate, hey, even if it isn't I still might answer it. ;)

It could be about high school, relationships, my blog, my life, advice, my favorite color, anything.

I'll answer each and every single question that is asked. 

Just so you know. :)

If you don't want to ask under the comments you can either email me at or tweet me. 

So fire away! Hit me with some Q's. 





  1. Sucha cute blog! Glad I found you.


  2. Hmm let's see - are you a Christian???

    And also, I love your hair without the extensions the most! It just looks so pretty and glossy. :)

    Hmm another question... who is your favorite fashion icon? Mine's Taylor Swift!! :D


  3. What is your favorite smoothie/ice cream/cake :)

  4. Hello there :)

    I'm going to break the mould and ask you an enitre list of questions!

    Starting with:
    What's your dream wedding like?
    What's your ringtone?
    What would your ideal job be?
    What's your favourite thing about your best friend?
    Fabourite book?
    And, should nine guilty men go free instead of one innocent man be inprisoned?

    *nods head* That'll keep you busy for a while!


  5. What is your dream destination/vacation?

  6. Hey! So I am needing a little bit of advice. This might sound complicated but try to follow it. My boyfriend's brother is cheating on his girlfriend. Well he was for a while and I don't think she knows. I really want to inform his girlfriend but I know he will deny it and say I'm wrong. His girlfriend doesn't go to our school but I've had one of my friends (his ex) tell me she was one he cheated with. What do I do? Or do I do anything? I mean if my boyfriend were cheating on me and this girlfriend knew, I would want her to let me know. But I feel like I would be a home wrecker if I told and she would probably believe her denying boyfriend over me too.

  7. oh this is SO MUCH FUNN!! (: okay heres a lott from me :

    1- what religion are you?
    2- whats your favorite kind of ice cream?
    3- who's your #1 bestfriend?
    4- who's your favorite singer?
    5- are you more tomboy or girly-girl?
    6- could you go the rest of your life without makeup?
    7- curly or straight hair?
    8- do you like to dance/sing?!
    9- what's your dream pet?
    10- do you still consider yourself a newbie blogger?
    11- are you surprised by the outcome/sucsess of your blog?
    12- favorite candy?
    13- whats your full name?
    14- why'd you name your blog "so,hi"?
    & 15- what 10 words would you use to describe yourself??

  8. first time passing by this blog :) how lovely it is!

    Latest: Sinful Indulgence

  9. What's your favorite book? Can you quote a line from it? :)

  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a sweet comment! Your blog is too cute, your little mustache border kinda rocks my socks! I hope you stop back by and maybe even become a follower!?

    Ok and now for my question to you:
    If you had to be an animal, what would you hope to be?

    Xo Lori

  11. What's your favourite outfit/pair of shoes/all that jazz


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on the blog! I will try to respond to as many comments as possible. If you would like a quicker response, please email me ( or tweet me (@sohirach)!