


Hey guys, since I am in fact going to college in about 60 days I have to ask those of you who have been through this a questions. 

I have already met and confirmed my roommate for the upcoming year and she seems pretty cool. We talked about the basics like, "I really would not appreciate you stealing my stuff" and "Please do not do weed while you are in our room."

You know, all the necessary things, but that got me to thinking what else should I ask? Or do?
So I am coming to YOU for some advice this time. Hit me, gals.

What are some guidelines for roommates? 

What should you ask your roommate before the school year starts? 

Anything I need to know? 

Also, what is your freshman roommate story?

Enjoy the rest of the weekend my friends. 



  1. hahahaha oh man. those 7 things are the funniest things I've ever heard! my college advice is it just have fun with it. and don't put your homework off...because i tended to do that and failed math. also get really involved and always be doing something. it beats sitting and home doing nothing because you are a poor college student.

  2. Coincidentally, my newest feature's first topic is roommates :)
    Let's Talk Friday

  3. hehe i've read this a while back but it think there were a few more. i read them in my native language bulgarian though. still so funny. hope it works well with you and your roomie =)

  4. Consideration for each other in all aspects of the word is #1 on my list. I dormed for two years my freshman and sophomore years and I loved it, but I did changes roommates both years lol I ended up in a double room by myself both years, and it was the best.

    Now that's not to say having a roommate is horrible, bc I loved my first roommate but she was very different and we had no issues other than her having guests over with out my knowing and at ungodly hours of the night... not fun. But she ended up withdrawing from school after the first semester.

    My second roommate and I started out great, until we actually moved in. We were very very different and our personalities did not meld well together. On our first night she had two guests stay over for 4 days straight without asking if I was okay with it. I actually woke up one morning and almost step on one girl's head bc she was sleeping on the floor, but she wasn't there when I went to bed lol We decided it was best for both of us to part ways as roommates.

    Long story short, I didn't have the greatest experience with roommates, but I would have loved to be able to keep one for at least a whole year. It wasn't until the semester before I transfered schools that I meet my best friend whom with I had made plans to room with, this was all before I decided to transfer. But dorming is such a stellar experience, and the better you know your roommate before you move in, the better off you'll be.

    If you need any more advice/suggestions, I'd be happy to put in my two sense lol

    Good luck with everything!


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I started university back in 2010, and lived in 'halls' in a flat of 5 people. It's great because you get to know the people you live with really well, but there is also little 'niggles' too!
    Some good guidelines for me to set down were:
    - Kitchen etiquette, so basically dont leave dirty dishes etc for TOO long
    - everyone does their own share of the cleaning
    - partys should be done after asking everyone if its okay!

    Im sure you're really excited, good luck! :D
    Rosie xo

  7. oh lord lol I remember my freshman roommate. We got along for oh 3 whole days, then it was the occasional small talk once a week. that roommate relationship was horrible. We were compleltly different people and had different groups of friends. We just weren't meant to live together. There's not much you can do, getting a roommate for the first time is pretty much just winging it. you either like her or you dont.

    i hope all goes well!! double check with what your sleep schedules are like. if youre a night owl or early bird. its never good when she goes to bed at 8 and you still have 5 hours to your night.

    Kelly elizabeth

  8. i'm going to be a juinor in college this fall, and i've had a few AMAZING roommates, and a few AWFUL ones. at the start of the year, most people are given roommate agreements and while most people never think to fill them out, DO IT. make sure you agree on things like when you can and can't have guest over (especially guys) and cleaning arrangements. you may also want to talk about study habits. one of my best friends and i lived together and we somehow got along perfectly, even though she likes to study in complete silence and be in bed by 11, yet i can't study without noise and pretty much never go to bed before 1am.
    i'm actually working on a "college guide" on my blog that will start late june/1st week of july.
    xoxo, lauren

  9. Seventeen Magazine has a lot of good advice, so check it out!
    1. Find out if your roommate has any severe allergies. You don't want to cook a big meal with peanuts, only to find out your roommate has a life/death allergy with them.

    Here's my moms roommate story:

    Her and 4 of her friends (one was her roommate) were sleeping over at her dorm. They were steamrolling, laughing, and having a crazy time. When they went home and my mom went to class the next day, she came back to her dorm and found a 2 page long letter sitting on her desk. It was from her roommate (let's call her... Paige), who had accused her of stealing 1 STICK OF GUM from a brand new package she had gotten awhile ago, that had been hiding in her drawer. She got totally mad at my mom (who DIDN'T steal the gum) and wouldn't talk to her, and wanted a new roommate.

    Moral of the story: Be honest with your roommate, and don't get worked up with the small things.

  10. Seventeen Magazine has a lot of good advice, so check it out!
    1. Find out if your roommate has any severe allergies. You don't want to cook a big meal with peanuts, only to find out your roommate has a life/death allergy with them.

    Here's my moms roommate story:

    Her and 4 of her friends (one was her roommate) were sleeping over at her dorm. They were steamrolling, laughing, and having a crazy time. When they went home and my mom went to class the next day, she came back to her dorm and found a 2 page long letter sitting on her desk. It was from her roommate (let's call her... Paige), who had accused her of stealing 1 STICK OF GUM from a brand new package she had gotten awhile ago, that had been hiding in her drawer. She got totally mad at my mom (who DIDN'T steal the gum) and wouldn't talk to her, and wanted a new roommate.

    Moral of the story: Be honest with your roommate, and don't get worked up with the small things.

  11. I just came across your blog and LOVED it! The 7 things made me laugh, I could imagine doing those things to my roomate, he'd think I'm the biggest creep! Definitly following! :D

  12. One of the biggest things is to figure out your schedules. Are you a morning or a night person? what about her? what are your study habits? Do you like to study with music blasting or in silence? Do you plan on having guests over often? (male and female) Do you want to share anything? Are you clean or messy? Also ask about each other's pet peeves so you don't piss each other off too much.

    Another thing is to be totally honest with each other about yourself and your expectations for living in your room when doing the roommate contract.I just finished my freshman year and it was great! Having a roommate for the first time was different for me but I learned a lot from living in the dorms,it's quite an experience!

  13. Hmmm well, I'm only a junior in high school so I haven't had to deal with roomies yet, but my advice would just be: HONESTY. Always make sure you're open with your roommate and clear about what you like and don't like, so there won't be any possible confusion later in the year. :) Hope all goes well!!

    Love ya,

  14. oh goodness... i thought i was getting punked when i met my first roommate ever. I have grown up in Utah (very VERY VERY sheltered), and I decided to move to Portland for school.

    She turned out to be a very very aggressive lesbian, and would make extremely awkward comments regularly and have her girlfriend stay over almost every night.... man. that was awkward. She would have hooka parties in the living room quite often in the middle of the night white playing dubstep VERY loud... nice surprise after a long day at work. and to make matters worse, she was straight up OCD. if one thing was out of place, she would freak out. Surprisingly enough, we got along for the first few months. she eventually moved out.

    just set up rules like when/if people can stay the night, if drinking is allowed in your apartment etc. as soon as you move in and LABEL EVERYTHING. you will forget what belongs to who by the time you all move out.

    good luck :)

  15. I'm actually headed to college this fall as well!
    Where are you going?

    As for your roommate question, I am rooming with my best friend. Granted, I've heard the "Curse of the Best Friend as Roommate" talks, but I'd much rather room with her than a stranger for my first semester, and I want to believe that God will keep us together and not make us want to kill each other over the next year.

    But as frosh, I have the same worries as you, for we share a suite with two other girls! One I already know and have met, but I'm nervous for the other one!

    Curious to hear back from you! Do you think your roommate is going to go be an okay one or not?


  16. My biggest advice. Make sure you get the basics laid out in the first few weeks. If something bothers you, tell the person. If you wait until the end of first semester and are just telling your roommate something she does annoys you, she's going to wonder why you didn't tell her sooner. Someone told me that before I went to school and although I never had issues, I saw so many people who didn't do this end up hating each other. So just be honest and if the girl is nice, I'm sure you can work things out :) Good Luck!


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