

saturday secrets.

Another Saturday Secrets. Let it all out. 
No one will judge you. Go for it.

If you need any advice, I am willing to listen and advice, email me at

Here's the rules: 

1. This is open to anyone who wants to participate, from regular follower to casual visitor. 

2. Post a secret anonymously, no names please. 

3. I will not censor anything - so feel free to say whatever you need to. I will delete the comment if it is harmful to someone else's feelings though.

4. I do this for you guys - so you can get some weight off of your shoulders. It's for you and if you are not comfortable with sharing, that is entirely okay.  

5. And not only am I writing this post, but I am going to participate as well. One of the comments will be mine. 



  1. I'm insanely jealous, and even though I know my mister would never cheat, I can't help but be angry when pretty girls come around him.

    1. Trust is a beautiful thing. At least he's good looking enough to attract pretty girls. And he chose you.

  2. i feel like i will never find that 'perfect' group of friends that i fit into. i'm always second best... :/

    1. I feel the exact same way, but I look back and know that the friends I had weren't good for me. I made the right decision, even if it was forced. But some days it really sucks.

  3. I know I'm being played by a guy but I can't bring myself to stop talking to him. :/

    1. You can do it! You're stronger than you think!

  4. I secretly wonder if I'm not good enough to have my dreams come true. I have such high expectations for my life. What if I'm never able to acheive even a fraction of what I hope for?

    1. Work hard, do you best. Sometimes that is all you can do. Go from there.

  5. i secretly tell everbody that i'm ok and that i'm happy, but really i am bundling it all up and one day i know i'll explode. but its hard to act happy and fun all the time...

    1. Let go once in awhile. You're entitled to be sad, occasionally.

  6. I'm afraid of a lot of things and I can't always handle things well. I've cut myself thirty-four times.

    1. You're worth so much! You are damaging real precious goods by cutting.

  7. I can't get over my ex. I just can't let go. Everytime I see a photo or hear something about him, I scream inside because I'm not with him anymore. He said it was for the best & it'll stop hurting but it's not going away. My best friend has just gone back to uni after her placement year as well, just feels like everyone is leaving me.

    1. There is someone else out there for you. A door closes for a window to open :)

  8. I tend to hurt the people I love most, because I feel like I have to please everyone, so I avoid telling certain people certain details about my plans for the future; where I'm moving, that I'm planning on going on a long-term trip alone, that I'm seeing someone. I know I should just work up the courage & be completely honest with everyone, but I'm afraid of disappointing people or losing friends. Feels like everything is a mess...

  9. I enjoy reading my blog friends posts about pregnancy and newborns, but deep down I'm completely jealous. My husband can't have anymore kids - he already has 2, and I have one. His 2 live with their mom, and mine is 16 so he decided to live with his dad. I want another baby so very badly, and sometimes I lash out at my husband for it. I love my husband more than anything, and can't imagine live without him, but I'm scared I'll start resenting him for it.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on the blog! I will try to respond to as many comments as possible. If you would like a quicker response, please email me ( or tweet me (@sohirach)!