

easy make-up tips.

Before and After.

Allllllllll right, now girls. Here is the deal. Half of us in the world just do NOT know how to apply make-up. I know, I think "It CANT be me". But, sweetie, It might just be you. I am here to help in a constructive way, so when you get up in the morning to do your make-up and get ready for the day you don't end up looking like a zombie and/or alien. This is NOT an episode of X-files. So, even if you think you have no problems in the make-up area, take into account these easy tips to look your absolute hottest. :)


1. Okay STOP. Wait riggggght there. Go to Ulta and get some primer before you do anything. Both eyeshadow and face primer. Once you use this you will understand why I am making a big deal out of it. It makes your skin look smoother, healthier, and the make-up doesn't smear when you have it on. Try Urban Decay. I absolutely love it. Now...put that on before we even touch the rest of your make-up.

2. Get a foundation that actually matches your skin tone. I know it's hard. But you are NOT that tan. realistic with the color your skin is and don't expect the foundation to change it to the color you want it to be. It'll look sooooo much better if you get a color that matches your skin tone. First dot on with your finger just enough foundation to cover the imperfections. Not too much. Then apply it with a foundation brush. It looks like this. Circular motions will give you a more even application. And if you have never used a foundation brush I think that you will love this as well.

3. Under eye circles? Those pesky pimples? Gone! Concealer, baby.  Always apply this after your foundation so the foundation doesn't cover it up. Pat a little in the problem area's using your ring finger. It's the weakest finger so you won't damage the delicate skin.

4. Bronzzzzzer. Whether it is liquid or powder, apply in between the cheekbones and jaw bone and then up to your temples and forehead and on the bridge of your nose. But please not to much. We don't want to look like Snooki, now do we? I didn't think so.

5. Blush it out. I like to use a coral blush because it flatters my skin tone, but if you like another color better, go for it. I usually apply mine to the apples of my cheeks to the temple. If I am feeling like I need to be more "sophisticated" I usually apply it in between my cheek bones and jaw bones. And on the sides of my nose to make it look more defined.

6. Highlighter is your friend. It makes you look more...healthy? I don't know it just makes everything look like it comes together. I apply it at the tops of my cheekbones and my temples, forehead, and the bridge of my nose. Again, not to much.

Now on to the eyes. I am just going to give a natural look that looks good on virtually everyone. And is SUPER DUPER easy to do. Here goes.
PS: please excuse the rushingness and messy hair. :) 

1. PRIME. 
2. Cream colored highlighter on brow bone, oh and use an eyeshadow brush. Your eyelids will thank you.
3. Outer V, brown please. :)
4. Shimmer it out from tear duct to the start of the outer V.
5. Cat-eye anyone? Invest in wet and wild liquid eyeliner. It does wonders. Seriously. And it's like 3 bucks. (Don't take my word for that, I am not entirely sure.) Now this is an art that takes practice. But once you get it, it is great. Just "swoop" a light line across the tops of the eyes and make it flare out to make the cat eye. It works best in one "swoop". If you are feeling a little frisky, go for a double cat-eye. ;)
6. Massssscara. You know how to do this. Just don't clump it, please.

And there you go! Add a little gloss and you are the hottest chick in town. Just easy tips to make anyone look natural and beautiful. No dark eye make-up, no caked face...nothing on this list. Any other idea's? Let me know! Comment away and tell me what you think! :)


  1. This is great! I'm definately clueless when it comes to makeup, but this was an awesome tutorial :)
    love the blog, following!

  2. thanks for adding me :)

    xx Tara

  3. I loveee this tutorial! I need one of those palettes they look gorgeous!

  4. Brilliant post. Thanks for your lovely comment. Really like you blog especially the layout colours and theme. Keep up the good work hun xxx

  5. Great post, great idea. So many people are unsure in what order to use products that they get all confused and don't bother at all.


  6. Great tips! Its all about Primer!

  7. This is a great post! The only things I am in desperate need of is primer and highlight. I really can't use bronzer on my face, at all. Haha

    <3Chelsea Elizabeth

  8. I normally don't use any makeup at all besides mascara and lip gloss so this really helped! I absolutely loved the video and let me just say that you are adorable :) I doubt you even need all that makeup to look gorgeous ;)

  9. I love your blog! You are hilarious and I love your writing style. Love everything about you!

  10. goodness!!!! Couldn't of said it betta myself. :D

  11. Very helpful post. I'm actively learning about makeup but starting at square one because of my lack of prior experience. Your tips help!

  12. Love your tutorial. All of your tips are amazing. And you look beautiful.

    P.S. We are having a giveaway on our blog. I hope you will jump over and enter.

  13. Great post, I love the idea! Adding in the video was a nice touch :) xx

  14. I agree, i love highlighter. My favourites are macs pearl cream colour base, illamasquas cream blushes, and the lustre drops that i recently purchased at mac.

  15. So, hi.

    Lovely to hear from a fellow lipstick lover. Keep up the good work x

  16. Cute blog I am now following you on twitter :)

    Please take a minute to look at my vintage boutique;

  17. I'm not of a make-up person myself, but good tutorial. ;D Thanks for checking out my blog, you're so sweet!

    <3 Deanna

  18. You are so cute - love your blogging voice! I'm a big fan of the coral blush myself :)... thanks for stopping by my site! xoxo

  19. Great blog, Rach! And thank you so much for your lovely comment on mine. Keep up the good work! xx

  20. you are as cute as a button :)))

  21. I don't think primer is necessary unless one has oily eyelids or their foundation is always slipping and sliding away.
    My sister uses neither and her makeup is always gorgeous. No eyeshadow creases, nada.
    But this is helpful to others :)

  22. you're so pretty :) also i love your nail polish, and also this is awesome. haha. really helpful :)


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