

feather extensions - what do you think?

I know I might be a little late to the whole trend, but I have been meaning to do another post incorporating my lovely sponsors (See here if you are interested in future opinion posts! It's completely free!). So I figured that the new craze, feather extensions, would be a great topic. Last time I did an opinion blog I got a lot of different views, and I want to see even more this time! You hear (see?) that people? I want to see what YOU think! (That means comment! Comment! Comment!) Anyway, on to the post - Sorry, I have a hard time keeping track of what I am writing. :p

Yep, we have upgraded from the pink and blue hair extensions (remember when everyone thought that was SO cool?). The new hair trend is making peacocks and quails shiver in their feathers. Feather extensions. I don't know who really came up with this idea, but they have to be pretty proud of how their idea is taking the fashion/beauty world by storm. I mean, I would. Who would've thought that people would want to put feathers in their hair...when I first heard about this trend I was thinking that people were putting nasty duck feathers in their hair, but to my surprise, they were not.  Figures, I had no idea what I was thinking. Lol. ANYWAY - Here are a couple of my blogging friends opinions. 

"I LOVE feather hair extensions, even though I don't have any. I think that they add a touch of whimsy to your everyday hair. :) That being said, I also think that they're a little too popular for me, now. Haha! But if I were to get some, I'd stick with the natural colors. I think those can look really chic!"
- Gentri from Gentri Lee

"I am alllll in for feather hair extensions! I think they're so beautiful and add that extra "pop" to any outfit! I personally love the look of some of the ones with beads, they're so pretty and cute! Feather extensions all the way" 
- Lauren from The Perfect Pear

"YAY definitely! LOVE the idea! Defineitely would like to try themself :)"
- Holly from Miss Fashion Beauty

"I personally think that they are HOT. Totally cute, and I think that they will look even better in the upcoming fall season with the brown and green feathers. I would totally get some proffesionally done, but I don't have that won't work. i do have a clip in pair, and they are totally cute. I think that anyone can work them, really. From blonde hair to black, from short hair to long. But I don't think that they would really work on a pixi-cut...maybe, I guess you never know. Lol. All in all, I believe that yes, this is a trend and they will be out of style in no time, but for now they are a fun and spunky way of making your hair look interesting! :)"
- Me. :)

So, what do you guys think? Super cute, or super wierd?

PS: Photos from


  1. aww i love that people participated :) can't wait for the next topic and maybe participate myself. haha sorry i had to turn this one down

  2. oh it's fine! there are definitely more to come! :)

  3. i love feather extenions, but i think not evver can pull them off xx

  4. i love mine! feather extensions are awesome. i once told my students that 'most old people grow grey hairs, nope not me, i grow feathers'

  5. i love feather extensions!! i've had them and i love the added pazzaz it adds. super cute!!

  6. I love a touch of feathers to a look. They just add a little something more.

  7. You have just a lovely blog! Thank you for the wonderful comment on my blog. It's nice, that somewhone from abroad read my blog. I'll promise to follow your blog. Kisses ♥
    Bling Thing Kaisa

  8. Great Blog !!! :D

    Would you want to follow each other ..?


  9. I agree they are hot hot hot and I want some now xx

  10. I loooove my feathers! I got brown and teal for summer then I just ordered some off for fall colors. They are totally easy to put in yourself too...takes 2 min.

    get them :)

  11. i love the idea of feather extensions. i was even asked by a company if they could send me some to review them on my site but i had to say no- the problem is that i have half black hair- super curly, kinky hair. I cant make the commitment of the feather extensions because I have to blow dry my hair super hard and i would pull out my hair when doing it! HOWEVER!!! I posted a tutorial on clip in feather extensions on my blog! :)

    the style projects

  12. I love this look alot :)

    i think i may have to try it, it really suits you :)

  13. Yes love them! You could def pull it off. Love the blog.

  14. I don't know if you're an animal lover like me, but I'm completely against them unless they are fake feathers. I don't wear fur and I don't wear feathers. I just feel killing animals to be trendy is never a good thing.

    Here is a good link to read if anyone wants more info on it:

  15. I am loving these too, my sisters have some and they look fab!:D

    ***** Marie ******

  16. Super cute, for sure. Delightful whimsy.

  17. Oh I like them! My little cousin just got her extensions the other day!

  18. yes! I want to get one soon! I'm really loving this trend. :)

  19. I reaaallyyy liked it,
    & I wanted to do it.
    But it's soooo over-used now,
    it's kinda lame to me.
    But I LOVE feather earrings (:

  20. I for the past year I have been totally wanting to get some! I think they are totally cute.
    By the way Rach, if you don't want to try feather extensions, try hair tinsel first. Its awesome :) My sisters and I do it all the time and they last a long while. You can get them in colors and they are great. Hair tinsel makes you hair look like its shimmering

    If you want to see some pics of it you can just google hair tinsel and they will come up :)

  21. I think theyre really cute! It's kind of like highlights but better. Just makes hair not so boring!

  22. i am so dyinmg to try this look, maybe i'll get them put it just in time for scholl :) its soo chic

  23. I think that as long as you don't over-do it, they can be awesome! Go for it!

  24. it's really cute! following you dear..


  25. I love feather hair extensions but I think they look best when they aren't over thought because they are so super fun. :)

  26. Hi! Thanks for the posituve comments about my blog! I really appreciate that! I also like your blog very much. First pic up there with mustache is great!! I just luv it:))

  27. Hey Rach! Thanks for stopping by my blog today...yours is too much fun! I love all of your fashion tips...I've got the clip-in feathers like you, and I am definitely going to have to try the newspaper nails. Hope you don't mind, I added your button to my blogroll. ;) And is it weird to say that I like your 'stash?

  28. @keepcalmandloveon - that is entirely fine! :) and no worries, i like my 'stache too. ;P

  29. I agree WHOLE heartedly with Gentri. yes yes yes.
    Super cute,
    but I don't have any,
    and natural colors are best :)

  30. I've been debating, but I think I want to get me some feathers!

  31. I have some in my hair! I do think that you can over-do it though. Mine are subtle white ones so they aren't all like out there or anything. Overall, love love them. Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my blog! Your blog is adorrrableee :)

  32. LOVE feather extensions! Got some back in April when my hairdresser asked if I wanted to try them out...not knowing of this up and coming trend I thought I'd try it out. Of course, at the time no one had them, and then BAM everyone had them. Including little girls down to the age of 5 which all and all just weirded me out I was sporting a trend a 5 year old was wearing :(

    Overall though, this is one of my favorite trends of the summer!

    A Candid Life

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