


Hey guys!

Another opinion post coming at you - and the title says it all. 


I know you have all seen the trend popping up on runways, celebs, magazine's, everywhere. The ombre trend is one that I believe will be short lived and kind of looks like you have forgotten to touch up your roots for a year or so, but somehow...I am still drawn to it and I have no idea why.

You generally see this look on longer haired girls, but the short haired girls are pulling it off too! (i.e. Alexa Chung) I have also seen people "Color Ombre" their hair and add some colored tie-dye looks to their blonde locks. It's interesting to say the least, I wish I had enough spunk to ad color to my hair. 

Well, here is what some of my lovely sponsors and followers had to say about the trend. The results came out to be that most people either love it, or hate it. 

"Ombre hair is tricky... When done right, it can look perfectly styled and fun. But sometimes it just looks like you missed a spot when you dyed your hair. My advice: if you want ombre hair, have it professionally done. Though there are at-home ombre hair kits, disaster quickly follows with those. Ombre hair is trendy and adorable when done right, and the only way to guarantee that is to have your hair done by a professional stylist."

"I personally think ombre hair is tacky. There has only been a couple times when it actually looked good, but most of the time it makes women look like they are in desperate need of a dye job."
- Victoria from Vi-key

"Yay!! Definitely yay! When done correctly the ombré hair can be natural and beautiful. Not just any stylist can accomplish it. You need to go to a professional who has been trained in the melting technique. So, I say go for it because it's such a fun style! :)"
- Gentri from Gentri Lee

"Nay- I'm not really a huge fan of it! I feel like it's something that is trending right now, and as soon as it's over people will be like, "Oh, why did I do that again?" Dont get me wrong, many girls have it and still look beaaaaaautiful, but it's just not my thing!"
- Ashley from The Shine Project 

My personal opinion? I think ombre hair can look super hot if it is done right, like the girls said. I like when it gradually gets lighter - and isn't very blunt. I think it looks best on longer hair and just flows into a light caramel blonde. Is it for me? No. Is it for other chicks? Most definitely. 

Tell me what you think, friends. 

And Ashley up their is giving away one beautiful necklace - so don't forget to enter that. :)

PS: Photo's from


  1. i'm trying to decide what i wanna do with my hair for fall and this is one of the options. i love it. when done right.

    love, little.

  2. Yea I've seen this look a lot. Everyone thinks I've gotten a "melt" on my hair. But the said truth is, I need to get my hair done so it's darker on the top and goes lighter. Not sure if I'm loving it or not. But I need to get my hair darker now :) I get impatient with hair!

    Hope you had a great weekend. xo.

  3. it looks interesting, but I wouldn´t want to dye my hair like that :P

  4. i love the ombre look, i have wanted to do it for awhile now but haven't been daring enough!

  5. Great post! I think its really really nice, I am not sure if I would ever do it!? does it take a lot of preparation? like seriously growing your roots? great blog anyway!


  6. i have wanted ombre hair for so long, i think it looks really nice, but only if the colour is blended well, i think you would suit it! though at first just get some highlights at the end incase you don't like it, it will be easier to dye over the top <3

  7. Haha! I love how I'm the only sponsor all for it. :) I actually have the dirty blonde version of the ombré and when I had it done I had it cut just like miss Alexa chung's (she was my inspiration). It's grown more now, and I still love it!

  8. I love this hair. Like most trend soon it will be updated.

  9. cool hairs!!!

    xoxo from rome

  10. I love this look! I love the first two examples! It really makes me want to try it out! Great post!

  11. I'm on the fence about it- it can be done well, but it definitely takes a stylist and it also takes the right type of girl! You'd have to have a lot of confidence to pull it off, I think.


  12. i love all of the different opinions - and you guys are definitely right, it is good as long as you get it done RIGHT.

  13. I think as long as there's a smooth transition between the shades it's pretty cool.

    Lots of love from Sydney,

    x Kel

    making a marque

  14. its official - i want ombre hair!!! cute post :)

    - <3

  15. My sister in law just had it done, and it turned out incredible! I really love it on her. She looks like a beach babe / celebrity:)

    I'm already blonde, so sadly I don't think it would work for me. but for those who can pull it off, it's a fun look!

  16. that is so awesome! i think that i would look semi decent with it because of my hair color - but i think it should grow a little longer, and i should gain a little courage. ;)

  17. I think it makes it really easy to be lazy with keeping up your roots. Which I love! Viva la Ombre! Ombre forever!

    I hope it never goes out of style. Come to think of it, I've been in Ombre style almost my whole life.

  18. I love the look.. it's different.. I tried it on myself recently (until my birthday when I finally got my hair done.. lol) -- and it looked HORRIBLE! I have dark dark roots with my super blonde highlights I looked terrible!

    I think it would look great for someone with light roots and light color, or someone with dark roots and alittle bit of a darker faded color... if that makes any sense?

    I also awarded you on my blog! Check it out when you get the chance!


  19. I love ombre hair!

    I followed! Follow me back?

    -Ariel* xoxo

  20. I love ombre hair!

    I followed! Follow me back?

    -Ariel* xoxo

  21. hi Rach, just came over from Gentri's blog to see what all this ombre fuss was about and to throw my two cents into the pile. love to the BIG love this trend. i mean, i remember when Blondie did sort of a reverse of it and i tried that too. i'm all about trying new things and seeing how to work it into your own personal style.

    you're right about having it done professionally, could be a slippery slope if attempted on your own. nice feature, i really dig how you've added your sponsors feedback! kudos. ♥


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